The flowers delivered by our local florists are the finest and freshest flowers and the bouquets are personally prepared and hand created meaning our same day flowers delivered and our next day flower delivery service is unrivalled in quality, our efficiency is something that our customers return to again and again.
These are a cool season crop and prefer a temperature range from 12 C – 20 C (55 – 70 F). You can plant them down to 5 C (41 F) however growth will be slower.
We specialise in providing one of the best flower delivery services in the UK and we also offer some of the UK’s best value flowers for delivery, but we never compromise on flower quality or freshness. It is so easy to send fresh blooms with our trusted FREE flowers by post service which is included with all our flowers and plants as standard.
The Hop Farm is Kent's iconic and historic landmark. Featuring the world's largest collection of Victorian oast houses, it was a major supplier of hops to London breweries in the 19th and 20th centuries. Families across the South East and beyond used to spend the summer holidays working in the rolling countryside around the Hop Farm, harvesting hops and preparing them to be transported.
We have customers in all branches of the food market in the United Kingdom as well as mainland Spain, the Canary Islands, Greece and as far afield as the Falkland Islands.
Forgotten your MOT due date? There is now an easy way to check when it's due, simply enter your vehicle's registration number to retrieve your MOT due date.